We are proud to say we did accomplish most of our goals in the 2011 strategic plan. In 2016 we held a planning meeting to develop a 2016-2021 strategic plan. It can be found here.
Evergreen Conservancy held a Strategic Planning Session at the PASEC Meeting room on February 26, 2011 to develop our 2011- 2016 Five Year Plan. Everyone who attended had a chance to brainstorm and develop their ideas of EC’s vision for 5 years from now and prioritize them. From the brainstorming sessions the following goals were developed:
- Becoming identified as a educational resource to Local, County, state wide people on conservation, land preservation, H2O quality, renewable energy, stewardship, impact of resource extraction
- Increase education and youth involvement – school, scouts, college, 4-H, home school, tie into school requirements
- Tanoma – Develop educational program plans for Tanoma
- Develop environmental education plans for indoor classrooms and groups presentation
- Adult field trips – sportsman’s clubs, membership, tourist bureau, nursing, IUP, IMRC,
- Training trainers for educational presentations
- Continuation of education of board members and members on conservation, land preservation, H2O quality, renewable energy, stewardship, impact of resource extraction
- Increase environmental education to property owners.
- Provide water monitoring information on our website
Water Quality
AMD remediation
- Tanoma treatment system efficiency
- Other potential county AMD sites involvement
- Pursue dredging of iron oxide as a potential resource
Water monitoring
- Acquisition and placement of data logger monitoring equipment
- Developing volunteer base to help with monitoring
- Developing partnerships with other agencies and groups
- Identify public health issues in our county
- Developing wild life habitat protection
Land Trust
- Develop potential easements relationships
- Development of member and public knowledge of easements
- Develop a plan for stewardship of easements
- Develop a long term plan for easements
- Develop tools for land preservation
- Build bequest programs
Stream Access
- Develop/Improve boat launches, partner with others, support projects in the role of a 501c3
Cultural Historic Preservation
- Support efforts to preserve historical and cultural sites
Organizational Goals
- Establish a youth membership level
- Establish new payment through website
- Double membership by 2015
- Foster corporate memberships (Plus 10 by 2015)
- Develop rewards/benefits for members
- Develop members specialty groups like faculty/faith base/teachers/legal/CPA’s/sportsman groups/ medical professionals
- Develop ownership of ideals and purpose
- Seek diversity in membership
- Develop capacity of volunteers and staff to reduce responsibility of board workers
- Build capacity to allow for new and innovative projects
- Keep projects fresh to peek interest – project that resonate with the board interest and leadership
- Offer two training opportunity for the board per year
- Continue to seek diversity in board development
- Make board positions more accessible
- Advertize self nomination
- Membership applications more available
- Board process includes training
- Continue board transparency and accountability to the public
Staff /Volunteers/VISTA/Americorp Goals
- Continue (at minimum) part time VISTA and/or Americorp position
- Develop VISTA/Americorp roles
- Offer training
- Continue volunteer base – non employer status
- Develop training programs for all initiatives (programs and projects) for all volunteers
Finance and Fundraising
- Financial independence through an endowment ( a protected fund)
- Establish a bequest program
- Continue to develop an solid annual budget
- Continue successful grant writing initiatives
- Continue good accountability and transparency
- Question the need for auditing
- Pursue corporate support
- Pursue in-kind support from businesses and corporations
- Continue fundraising with handmade items
- Pursue fundraising from iron oxide from AMD system – Develop IO products for revenue
- Develop fundraising partnerships
- Utilize web for sales (ETSY and EC Web)
- Seek experienced and experienced non-profit advisor (hiring or pro-bono work)
- Utilize grant money for marketing
- Focus attention on one or two items that EC does well
- Increase EC visibility in Indiana County Region
- Increase recognition and success of projects that benefit the public
- Publicize our successes – Highlight positives in our organization
- Distribution of Educational brochure (and put on web)
- Media plan (based on target audiences)
- Enhance Facebook and other social media
- Offer services to other groups for projects we have become successful at doing