Membership & Donations & our Market place

Together, with you as a member

  • We’ve helped keep iron and acid mine drainage out of our local creeks. At Tanoma alone, if left untreated, this discharge would impact the headwaters of Crooked Creek with approximately 23 tons/year of iron (Fe).
  • We have a renewable energy demonstration project at Tanoma for public viewing.
  • We offer educational programs on environmental related issues and other topics of interest to the community.
  • We publish a quarterly newsletter with project updates, information on the conservancy projects, topics including wetland plants, rain gardens, and other issues concerning the environment.
  • In addition to our Evergreen Brochure and a Tanoma brochure we have a brochure that summarizes the important aspects of the Tanoma AMD Treatment System Wetlands to use when navigating the interpretive trail and a pamphlet on renewable energy.
  • We have added signage related to the wetland plants in the area as well as renewable energy and the Trompe.
  • We monitor and assess water quality in over 35 streams in Indiana County with the help of many dedicated volunteers.
  • EC hold annual membership pot luck meeting/program in June every year.
  • We’ve achieved and continue to achieve lasting results in Indiana County and are on our way to helping clean up rivers and places as far away as the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Your continued support is crucial to our work.

What you gain

  • It’s more than a membership. It’s about taking ownership of where you live, work, and play.
  • The number one benefit of membership in the Conservancy is the knowledge that together we can make a greater impact in preserving our region’s natural lands, water and wildlife than by acting alone. Membership in the Conservancy bolsters our ability to influence public decision makers on environmental policy issues at the local, state and national level. Your membership is vital to providing the resources we need to protect our waters, our land and our wildlife. Together we can do more!
  • With your membership you will also receive our quarterly newsletter and be invited to attend our annual membership meeting and picnic at Blue Spruce Park where you will vote on the board membership and have a say in the work of the Conservancy
  • You also benefit from discounts given by partners who support Evergreen Conservancy:
    Spaghetti Benders- 15% discount 
    Michael B’s Shoe Store-  $10 off any purchase
    Plant it Earth-  15% discount 
    Little Mahoning Creek Pottery 10% discount 

    Homemade Restaurant Home, PA  a 10% discount off the total bill

Artist Hand Gallery has joined us with their support! They will give a 12 oz. (Med) drip coffee for $1 to Evergreen members. or like them on facebook.

 If you can not find your membership card – let us know – we will send another.

Another way to donate to Evergreen Conservancy

Walmart Registry:  Want to donate to the Evergreen Conservancy but not sure how? We have partnered with Walmart’s Registry for Good and have registered for items that our organization needs. You can log on to, and under the drop-down menu, click on Walmart Services. You can then click on Registry for Good. It will direct you to a page that shows the registries in the Indiana PA area. Once you add the items to your cart, you can pay and have them shipped to Evergreen Conservancy! It is that easy! Go to and look for Evergreen Conservancy.

Join Now or renew your membership TODAY!