Evergreen Conservancy’s annual meeting for members and friends has been scheduled for Tuesday June 25th at the Tanoma Wetlands Outdoor Environmental Educations Center. The Tanoma Center is located at the corner of Tanoma and Rayne Church Roads and can be accessed from either route 286 or 119.
A potluck picnic dinner will begin at 5:30 pm. The conservancy board will grill hamburgers, hot dogs, and meat-less items, and provide buns, condiments and drinks. Those attending should bring a salad, side dish, or desert as well as their own table service.
The meeting will begin as soon as the potluck is cleaned up, between 6:30 and 7:00 pm, and will include the presenting of the annual Evergreen Award, a review of the year’s activities, recognition of volunteers, and a presentation of educational interest.
In addition, dues paying members will be given the opportunity to vote for Evergreen Conservancy board members. A nominator will name a list of candidates and take nominations from the floor.
Of course, the annual meeting is also the perfect opportunity to join Evergreen Conservancy, or renew your membership! Your check written June 23rd will cover the entire 2019-2020 program year.
The annual meeting is open to friends, as well as dues paying members.
Rain date is Thursday June 27th – watch your email or check our website or Facebook for updates.
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