Bags to Benches Plastic collection!

Get rid of the plastic that would go to the land fill. Help reduce plastic pollution! Evergreen has partnered with the League of Women voters Environmental committee to collect plastic. There are bins at the “Y”, at Bi Lo, at the Borough building, and at the S&T arena. This project is done in conjunction with Trex, a composite decking company. Trex sponsors a plastic collection challenge in which a group or organization that collects five hundred pounds of plastic film receives a free “polylumber” bench from Trex in appreciation for the community’s recycling efforts.
Our goal is to collect five hundred pounds of plastic film within a six-month time frame in order to receive the bench. This project runs February 1 to August 2020. The bench costs nothing more than the effort associated with coordinating people in donating plastic film that would otherwise end up in a landfill.
The types of plastic you can recycle in the bins include: bubble wrap, grocery bags, bread bags, case overwrap, dry cleaning bags, ice bags, Ziplock / resealable bags, and cereal bags. See the poster for more information.  Plastic Poster