Author Archives: Admin

A Primer on Trout and Salmon

Join Evergreen Conservancy, and IUP Biology professor Dr. David Janetski, for our spring program on April 13, 2018 at 7pm at Blue Spruce Lodge. The program will discuss brook trout management, problems caused by invasive species, introduction of new species (Pacific Salmon), and Great Lakes fish. The program is free and open to the public. Light snacks […]

Our final GeoTrail site is now live!

Our 20th, and last site, on our Indiana County Ecotour GeoTrail went live on March 1st! To receive one of our unique geocoins, you will now need to have all 20 code words in your passport. For more information on our geocache trail and for the coordinates of the final site, visit the Indiana County ECO […]

2018 Family Fun Fest

Evergreen Conservancy is excited about participating again this year at the annual Indiana County Family Fun Fest! This year’s event will be on Saturday, March 3rd from 10am to 3pm at the Indiana Mall. The theme of the event this year is Furs, Feathers, and Fins. Evergreen’s table will include animal furs and an animal scat/tracks matching game! We’ll also be […]

What is the Indiana Bat and why is it important?

The scientific name of the Indiana bat is Myotis sodalist.  Myotis means “mouse ear” and refers to the relatively small, mouse-like ears of the bats in this group. Sodalis is the Latin word for “companion.” The Indiana bat is a very social species and large numbers cluster together during hibernation. The species is called the Indiana […]

Laurel Run Stream Restoration Completed!

          Thanks to Adam Cotchen (Indiana County Conservation District), the PA Fish and Boat Commission’s Mark Sausser and his staff, Yellow Creek State Park staff, Phil Hay and Son Excavation  Company, several PASEC and Evergreen volunteers and Eli Long from Trout Unlimited, this project was completed in one day on Sept […]

Indiana County ECO Tour Geotrail 11/4/17 Program

“Muggles” brave cold to learn about geocaching Twenty- five children and adults came to Blue Spruce Pavilion 1 on Saturday Morning November 4th to learn about geocaching.  Being cold and damp didn’t dampen their enthusiasm.  What’s a “Muggle”?  If you don’t know you probably are one. It’s anyone who is unfamiliar with geocaching.  Evergreen Conservancy […]