Bag it – Is Your Life Too Plastic?

What can you do as a community and personally to reduce our use of single use plastic?  Do you have questions about plastic? The Environmental Issues Committee of the Indiana County League of Women Voters will be showing “Bag It,” a documentary about plastics, on Saturday, November 23rd at 6:30 at the Philly Street Playhouse. The film will be followed by a presentation of three local initiatives dealing with plastics, and an open discussion. The event is free to the public.

The documentary begins by taking a light-hearted overview of the encroachment of plastics in our daily lives. It then zeroes in on single-use plastics, the recycling dilemma, and the presence of plastic in the oceans and in our bodies.

The local initiatives include:

1) a survey on plastics use by local Indiana businesses  2) a research project that tests for plastics in local waterways, and

3) the “Bench Project” in which plastics are collected and re-purposed into a sturdy, poly-lumber outdoor bench for the community.

There were so many people interested in this film it will be back by popular demand! We will be showing this film several more times. Once on IUP campus, once at Marion Center High School,, and at Indiana High School. Stay tuned for times and dates.

What can you do Plastic